SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators)

Chemical compounds designed to selectively interact with androgen receptors in the body. Unlike steroids, SARMS specifically target muscle and bone tissues, allowing for improved muscle development without the negative side effects associated with traditional steroids.


It increases muscle endurance, strength gain, and promotes muscle growth. It helps improve energy and cardio-muscular endurance.

Muscle gain
Fat loss
Muscle definition
Muscle preservation


100 capsules


It should not be administered to individuals hypersensitive to the components of the product or with health problems such as cardiac diseases or renal problems. It should not be administered to pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.


Before using the product, consult a doctor for evaluation and undergo a test for possible sensitivity to the substances contained in this product.


It triggers strength increase by stimulating phosphocreatine synthesis in muscle cells without retaining water in the muscles or joints.

Muscle gain
Fat loss
Muscle definition
Muscle preservation


100 capsules


It should not be administered to individuals hypersensitive to the components of the product or with health problems such as prostate cancer, advanced kidney disease, high blood calcium levels, breast cancer, pregnant individuals, or those who are breastfeeding.


Before using the product, consult a doctor for evaluation and undergo a test for possible sensitivity to the substances contained in this product.


It increases muscle mass and aids in gaining more strength. It enhances athletic performance, accelerates the muscle recovery process, and is ideal for improving cardio-muscular endurance.

Muscle gain
Fat loss
Muscle definition
Muscle preservation


100 capsules


It should not be administered to individuals hypersensitive to the components of the producto. Its consumption is recommended exclusively for men and only during the muscle bulking phase.
Under no circumstances should pregnant women or lactating women consume it.


Before using the product, consult a doctor for evaluation and undergo a test for possible sensitivity to the substances contained in this product.